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Animal Success Stories
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Animal control said she had been picked up as a stray and never reclaimed. The senior gal had been passed over due to her age, and Rescued Tails was one of her last hopes. We needed to find a special foster home that could help this poor dog. Foster mom “super-hero”, Theresa, picked up the old dog from animal control and named her Shelby. She came to us with heartworm disease, a urinary infection and ear infection. But it was Shelby’s sweetness that made an impact on everyone who met her. Throughout her heartworm treatments Shelby was always the perfect patient. She got along well with others and was a joy to care for. Shelby’s special day came when Ben and Lori contacted us inquiring about our senior dog. They had been looking for a canine companion to love who would do well with their cats. Shelby was the perfect match! Shelby was adopted and recently went on a two mile hike with Ben and Lori in the U.P.! Way to go Shelby, and thanks to Ben and Lori for adopting a senior!

(715) 468-7784 •  woofda [ at ]