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Animal Success Stories
Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

Our vet contacted us about a 5 week old puppy that had been brought into their clinic by a breeder. The breeder was going to have the puppy euthanized because they did not want to pay to have her injured, rear leg treated. Her leg had become severely infected and she was very sick.

The little black and white pup, later named Daisy, had a great will to live and we took her into our program. Daisy had to have the infection drained twice a day and her little leg re-wrapped. She was a real trooper through the whole ordeal. We took Daisy to see a special surgeon who discovered the worse - Daisy's leg had been broken and the infection had severely damaged bone, ligaments and cartilage. The surgeon recommended amputating her leg due to the damage that had been done. He said we needed to wait until she was 4-5 months old before she could have the surgery. So off Daisy went, with her bandaged leg, to live with foster mom, Jean – it was a special home where Daisy could snuggle with her foster mom and get lots of love and attention. Each week Jean drove the little pup to get her leg examined and rewrapped. And then, about a week before her surgery, as the doctor was unwrapping Daisy’s leg, he noticed it seemed very stable and decided to let her walk without the splint.  To everyone’s surprise Daisy was walking without any problem and no signs of pain! No one is sure how it healed, but today Daisy is walking, running and chasing cats in her now “forever” home – yes, Jean fell in love and adopted Daisy!

We are so thankful that our vet contacted us about this little puppy. Because of your support and generosity we are able to help animals like Daisy that come into our program.

(715) 468-7784 •  woofda [ at ]