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Animal Success Stories
Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

“He just won’t listen, and I don’t like the way he looks at me!” Those were the reasons we were given. When Annette met the little dog she couldn’t believe his owner had made an appointment for a “one-way trip” to the vet! Annette knew she had to do something to help Dude so she told his owner that she would find him a new home. When Annette brought Dude to Rescued Tails everyone who met him fell in love – what a sweet little dog! Dude was the perfect gentleman everywhere he went, and he listened very well. Hundreds of miles away Renee had been searching online for a new dog, and when she spotted Dude on our web site she just had to find out more – even though she lived over 1,100 miles away in New York City! Renee and Regina made the long journey out to meet Dude, and the next day all three were in the car headed back to the Big Apple! It was quite an adjustment for Dude to make living in a studio apartment on Broadway Street in New York City, but he is doing quite well. He even has a new name – William! William has started his beginning obedience class, and we are confident he will be a star student!

 A special thanks to Annette and Fred for rescuing Dude, and fostering him until the perfect home was found!

(715) 468-7784 •  woofda [ at ]